An Endless City
Above you will see a poor-quality snapshot taken with my webcam from my bedroom window. We are on the fourth floor, up above the buildings, in a little bit of openness that can be difficult…
Stories from an American living in Bulgaria
Above you will see a poor-quality snapshot taken with my webcam from my bedroom window. We are on the fourth floor, up above the buildings, in a little bit of openness that can be difficult…
Last night I overdid it. I was still feeling under the weather, but the dude who is staying with our housemates asked us out for nargile, and he is a pretty cool dude (evidenced that…
I watched a ted talk this morning by a psychologist who argued that the twenties are not a wasted decade, as so much hipster-leaning rhetoric would have you believe, but a time to actually plan…
I take great issue with this song. Well, not so much the song itself, but the fact that it is touted to young girls as a song that they should listen to in order to…
See my dreads? Well, neither do I. I am pretty certain that my hair will not actually start knotting naturally until it is about should length, at least. My hair grows so slowly that this…
I am quite thankful for this semester at Bogazici. At the beginning of the semester I remember being nearly terrified in all of my classes. I had a class that focused on Middle East Politics,…
I spend quite some time these days debating, researching, and just pondering pregnancy. Perhaps this is that always-feared biological clock that my friends warned me about. Turning 30 at the end of this summer, I…
Some days I love my life. Okay. Most days I love it. Today I was sick, and it should have made life close to unbearable, but it didn’t. Not even close. We woke up late this…
I am really enjoying my new location. Last night I had to stay late at school, so I met my husband at the metro and we went down to Taksim together. Neither of us are…
Yesterday I got my period. The running, the environment, my changing body… for whatever reason I am only getting it once every five or six weeks these days, but it is still annoyingly incapacitating. Yesterday…