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My bobble head son, trying so hard to crawl 🙂
Stories from an American living in Bulgaria
My bobble head son, trying so hard to crawl 🙂
Apparently one of the four noble truths in Buddhism is that desire is the cause of all suffering. Of course, desire is the driving force behind many of humanity’s greatest achievements as well, but the…
If I am completely honest I have to say that I was never really excited about having a baby. I wanted a kid. I wanted a five year old to splash in puddles with. I…
My life is shit these days… literally. The most exciting thing is whether or not Peatuk has pooped yet, if his diaper is wet, or if he is hungry. His needs have become my obsession.…
There seem to be a few themes to this parenting thing. The first theme seemed to have developed over the past forty or fifty years of, “you’re doing it wrong.” The experts tell you how…
You can’t live with your in-laws forever, or can you? Nikola and I have started the long and painful process of house hunting. Of course, in my history it has never been long, just painful.…
Once upon a time there was a tree. It was large and strong, stretching from sky to sea, and it had many leaves of all shapes and sizes and colors all dancing side by side…
The first six weeks of parenthood has held many surprises, the largest being how quickly Peatuk grows and changes. At his bi-weekly checkup he was 4330g and 56cm- meaning in the past 6 weeks he…
When I got pregnant I never thought of the shape commitment lasting for years. Yes, I understood that a child is forever and I was (am) excited about that. However, I naively thought that pregnancy…
Peatuk-Antares. That is what we named our son. Perhaps we should have been more kind. Not even a month later and I am beginning to see how difficult his life will be. “Peatuk.” “Peter?” “No,…