The Union
I’ve wanted a sewing machine for a long time. I was in high school when I first wanted the ability to alter my clothing and make creations of my own. Of course, sewing machines are…
Stories from an American living in Bulgaria
I’ve wanted a sewing machine for a long time. I was in high school when I first wanted the ability to alter my clothing and make creations of my own. Of course, sewing machines are…
Today I did something I have never done before. I submitted queries to literary agents. It all sounds so professional and, honestly, I am not sure if it was a completely absurd thing to do.…
We decided to go to Hotnitsa today. Getting going, as usual, was a little rough. Peatuk went to sleep around midnight last night, because we had to stay up to finish Nikola’s birthday cake, and…
I am not particularly good with this toddler/preschool age. This is evident in my relations with my own child, and my complete ambivalence towards his little friends. I know how critical this period is. I…
I have been wrapped up in the new-mama cocoon for the past few weeks, but I am slowly beginning to stretch out and interact with the world again. Jojo is five and a half weeks…
Written 5/29/2016, the day before my first prenatal exam with baby number two: I am afraid to go to the doctor for my first prenatal check up tomorrow. Not because I fear anything is wrong…
Written on 5/21/2016: On Monday I found out that I am pregnant again. I took the test not actually suspecting to be pregnant. Sure, my period was about a week late and sure, I felt…
But first, let me take a
The more I think about it, the more I realize that it was a good thing our house fell through. Immediately after the house in the village fell through we found a house in the…
It looks like we will not get the house that we wanted. After almost a year of back and forth with various banks, we finally got our credit approved and were ready to purchase “our”…