Babies and that Deep, Deep Love
The other day I was drudging Twitter, as writers do when they’re supposed to be writing, and I came across a tweet from a new mother who said she was still waiting for that rush…
Stories from an American living in Bulgaria
The other day I was drudging Twitter, as writers do when they’re supposed to be writing, and I came across a tweet from a new mother who said she was still waiting for that rush…
I had almost an entire blog post about how we're almost four years into parenting and still using the family bedroom. It was a hemming and hawing post as I debated whether I wanted to…
Sometimes I swear the holidays were created to make parents feel inadequate. Or maybe just parents who don't live up to the standard parenting norms floating around the world. Today's guilt? Peatuk's outfit for his…
I am often jealous of my friends with kids my son’s age. Their lives seem so much easier than ours. I try to assure myself that we only see glimpses of their lives,. Plenty of…
We still have family bath time. I know it won’t last much longer, so I’m holding onto it for as long as I can. Our tub is a small, plastic toddler tub that rests upright…
All week, Peatuk has been home sick. Which means all week I have had both kids. Nikola, as usual, has deadlines, so most nights he wasn’t home or, if he was, it was just for…
Kindergarten in Bulgaria encompasses both preschool and kindergarten in the US. It’s a 3-4 year ordeal, from 3-6 years old. So maybe it isn’t as big of a deal as it is starting kindergarten in…
Let me be clear- I am abundantly grateful for my maternity leave. It is amazing that I get to have this long, slow time with my blossoming daughter. But while I love maternity leave, there…
Continue Reading The Love/Hate I Have With My Maternity Leave
Yesterday I took Jojo on her first train trip. Nikola had gone to Sofia to get the timing belt on our car looked at and he was going to pick us up in Veliko Turnovo…
Today was a day filled with transitions for Peatuk. First, his big-boy bed arrived. Nikola and I spent the morning putting it together. It’s an ikea bunk bed, but rather low to be a bit…